Jun 8, 2018
The deserts of Altar are dotted with tombs, and each takes a shape all its own. Some are cathedrals, others monuments. One, a hanging garden. But in the base of a crater atop a volcanic peak, there is a Vault. And inside, is Anticipation... or what is left of Her.
After months of study and research, an effort led by the Waking Cadent and Shoghig Salon's Temple of the Lost has learned how to open the outer door of the vault. Now, Tender Sky and the excerpt Signet have been offered the chance to open the second gate.
But first, they must demonstrate that they remember the rule: No shortcuts.
This week on Twilight Mirage: The Vault of Anticipation Pt. 1
Transition lightning (ascending)
Ashes and remnants of ballers
Cover Art by Craig Sheldon (@shoddyrobot)
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for this episode here.
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