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Jun 25, 2017

Hey everyone! Yesterday's live post mortem was a big day for us, and since the turn around time for getting that full episode up for you is longer than just a day, we wanted to be able to bring the announcements we made here as soon as possible. So here it is! Twilight Mirage! Patreon! New games! New shows! Cool Rewards!!!!

I talked too much in this announcement so I'm gonna keep from rambling here, but I just want to take the time to say thank you, thank you, thank you.

ANYWAY, here's all the links to all the things:


Video for the post-mortem stream:

Twilight Mirage preview if you wanna listen to that banger again:

Twilight Mirage, the song, if you wanna buy it from Jack:

Invitation to our discord channel:

And that's all the stuff!

Thank you so much for everything, everyone. That your excitement for all of this mirrors ours is overwhelming and humbling and we can't wait to make more stuff.

A transcription is available for this episode here.

A full list of completed transcriptions is available here. Our transcriptions are provided by a fan-organized paid transcription project. If you'd like to join, you can get more information at Thank you to all of our transcribers!!